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Stress, anxiety and depression are very common.  As a GP 1 in 4 of my consultations are about stress, anxiety and depression. That is far more than any other condition, including all respiratory infections such as ear, throat and chest infections combined! We all have pressures and in some circumstances challenges can be motivating but stress is detrimental if we feel overwhelmed and are unable to cope. If you have felt like this for more than a few weeks or it is preventing you live life normally it is time to take action.


To avoid feeling overwhelmed at work it is important to prioritise tasks and delegate.  It is difficult but sometimes necessary to be assertive and to speak to people who have unrealistic expectations. Relationships, friends and family are important to us but can of course be a source of stress particularly if we feel helpless. Stress can lead to depression and anxiety and these can affect the way you feel as well as the way you think and behave.

It is also important to have ways to unwind. 


Exercise is a great way of burning off stress hormones and boosting endorphin levels, as is music and singing. True friendships are invaluable and bring a sense of self worth. And anyone having difficulties should seek help as soon as possible and realise there is no shame attached to this. Macho – ‘I can cope’, ‘attitudes are not helpful in the the long term.


The good news is there is lots you can do! You may not be able to change things and events in your life but if you change how you think about them you will change how you feel. Feeling more confident and positive can also sometimes help you to find solutions.

I really recommend the following as solutions that will help you to make that first step towards a happier healthier life. This is a website which offers, safe, anonymous support, 24/7 by a community of people who are anxious, down or not coping who support and help each other by sharing what’s troubling them, guided by trained professionals. You can also register for on line support classes and even choose and access trained counsellors/clinicians of your choice for counselling sessions via your computer or smart phone at a time that suits you. And there are no waiting lists!  We are really lucky in Wandsworth the CCG pays for you to be able to access it – just go on line and type in your postcode!














ttps://  teaches you on line cognitive behaviour skills to help prevent and cope with depression – It is free!


IAPTS [Improving Access to psychological therapies Wandsworth]    020 3513 6264

This service provides free counselling sessions you can be referred by your GP or self refer by phoning this number.


And of course you can make an appointment with your GP at Chatfield. We can exclude physical causes and discuss how to help you. We can discuss counselling, anti-depressants and self-help.


Do you need urgent mental health help now?

If you've had thoughts of self-harming or are feeling suicidal, contact someone immediately such as your GP, a friend, a relative or someone else you can trust. If you've already taken an overdose or cut yourself badly, dial 999. The Samaritans operates a service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for people who want to talk in confidence. Call 08457 90 90 90.


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