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Meningitis B


The death of a toddler from meningitis B while an effective vaccine exists, which is  not given to her age group has led to a massive outcry. A petition to give the vaccine to other children has become the ‘most signed petition’ in the UK. The vaccine costs £75 a dose and children may need three doses but many in the media have said that is a small price for a life of a child. True but of course that is faulty logic; you would have to vaccinate the whole population spending many millions in order to save the life of a few as thankfully meningitis B is a rare disease with just 33 fatalities in the year. The NHS budget is limited and money would be taken away from other areas if the vaccine is given to others. To add to this it is a new vaccine, we still do not know how effective it is and what adverse reactions, side effects it may have.   

Symptoms Include

  • Fever,

  • with cold hands and feet.

  • vomiting

  • .drowsiness and difficulty waking up.

  • confusion and irritability.

  • severe muscle pain.

  • pale, blotchy skin,

  • and a distinctive rash (although not everyone will have this)

  • a severe headache.

  • stiff neck. r

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